Wasp Nest Removal Colchester

Wasp nest removal Colchester


We continue to be very busy dealing with wasps at the moment and we thought we would share with you an example of how wasps can make their nests in some unusual places. The picture shows a nest made on the underside of a wooden garden table. Luckily the customer found it before sitting down to a BBQ!

If you find a wasp around your property, give St Georges Pest Control a call for a fast and professional service.


Wasp nest removal Colchester

Wasp Nest Removal Chelmsford


Wasp nest removal Chelmsford


The start of the wasp season is well underway now and the number of calls we are getting about wasps is increasing day by day. There are four different species of wasp that we commonly deal with. with the exception of the Hornet which is noticeably larger the other three all look very similar and you have to get very close to them to tell the difference.

Each of them do have a preference for where they build their nests. The Tree Wasp (Dolichovespula Sylvestris) has a preference for building it’s nest in trees and bushes, the German Wasp (Vespula Germanica) likes making it’s nest underground and the Common Wasp (Vespa vulgaris) prefers to build its nest attached to wood and its nests can often be found in sheds, garages and lofts.


If you are having trouble with a wasp nest on your property, give St Georges Pest Control a call for advice.

Wasp Nest Removal Chelmsford

Wasp nest removal Essex


Wasps can make their nests in some unusual places. On this occasion we were asked to deal with a wasp nest in a garden shed. On arrival we found wasps had actually made their home in the bottom of a lawnmower! If you have a wasp nest that is causing problems, contact St Georges Pest Control.



Wasp Nest Treatment
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Wasp Nest Removal fixed cost 1 visit Guaranteed Treatment
Additional Nest On Property £30
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Wasp Nest Removal in Chelmsford


Wasp nest removal chelmsford


Wasps will happily make their nest in loft spaces, building the nest around the roof beams. By the end of June / early July the nests can be quite sizeable and have a number of guards on the outside. These guards can make trips into your loft quite a hazardous business.

Wasps are attracted to light sources so if you find a nest in your loft keeping the loft light off and the hatch way closed will help keep them calm.

If you’re having problems with wasps give St George’s Pest Control a call Or fill in our contact form below for a fast response call back

Wasp nest removal chelmsford

Wasp Nest Removal Essex

Wasp nest removal Essex

There are two type of social wasp commonly found in the UK. The common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) and the German wasp (Vespula germanica). Both and black and yellow, have painful stings and can make their nests in a variety of locations, including inside lofts, garden sheds, in holes in the ground and in bushes or trees.

We recently removed the nest in the picture from a holly bush in a customers garden. Wasps are best treated early in the season before the nest gets well established.


If you think you might have a wasp nest, call St Georges Pest Control for advice.


Wasp Nest Treatment
Our Best Deal Today
Wasp Nest Removal fixed cost 1 visit Guaranteed Treatment
Additional Nest On Property £30
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wasp nest removal Essex


Wasp nest removal Chelmsford

Wasp nest removal Essex


Tree wasps as the name mentions construct their nests in trees and have no interest in entering buildings. We can help with all Wasp nest removal in Chelmsford

For all wasp treatments please contact us here for a booking





Wasp nest removal Essex


Wasp Nest Treatments in Chelmsford

The following is the stages of a wasp nest being constructed. It only takes a short space of time to notice the changes in size.

The queen has come out of hibernation over the winter and found a suitable nest site. She will lay eggs and prepare food for the young. When the worker wasps reach maturity the next will start to grow larger.

The first image shows the queen starting to build the nest

The second image shows the next has grown in a short space of time

The third image shows the inside cells of the next
The other images are where the next continues to grow

Wasp nest treatments in chelmsford

Wasp nest treatments in chelmsford


Wasp nest treatments in chelmsford


If you need help with the removal and treatment of a wasp nest please contact us here for a booking


Wasp Nest Treatment
Our Best Deal Today
Wasp Nest Removal fixed cost 1 visit Guaranteed Treatment
Additional Nest On Property £30
Trading Standards Buy with confidence scheme member
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What To Do If You get Stung By A Wasp

Wasp Nest Removal Essex


What To Do If You get Stung By A Wasp


The best way to treat a wasp sting is with vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

Just apply some to a piece of cotton wool and place it on the sting as this starts to neutralize the venom from the sting.

You can also use a cotton swab soaked in vinegar and rub it on the insect sting.

The Wasp Nest Season has Started In Essex

The Wasp Nest Season has Started In Essex


The Wasp Nest Season has Started In Essex

We have already had many calls regarding wasps in people’s gardens and around their properties throughout Essex.

We are all ready for the wasp season and it’s going to be a busy year.

Wasp Nest Removal Essex offers a fast response with our fully qualified Pest Controllers and at an affordable price.

Visit our website to book in your appointment today and if you suffer from an allergic reaction to wasp stings we will do our upmost to be at your property within the hour.

Important Information about Wasps this summer

Wasp Nest Removal EssexTips to avoid being stung this summer

Of course, the best way to treat a wasp sting is to try and not be stung in the first place so here are a few tips to try and avoid this happening:

If you find yourself swarmed by bees or wasps, try to move away slowly. Our immediate reaction is to wave wasps away. This makes the situation worse by ‘exciting’ wasps, making them more aggressive and likely to sting.

Wear an insect repellent as these are effective with wasps too

Do not interfere with a wasp nest. The wasps will immediately attack in defense.

Some flowers and other shrubs are particular favorites of wasps so try and stay away from these.
Be careful eating outside, especially sweet sugary things, including liquids. These sugary items can attract wasps.

Another suggestion is to avoid wearing perfume and other strong scents as some people believe that wasps are attracted to them.

If you working in an area that you can see many wasps then sensible precautions would be long sleeves, trousers etc. to keep as much skin as possible covered thereby minimising chances of being stung.

And finally, keep an eye out for nests in the garden and in eaves of houses. If you notice an increase in wasps numbers, more than usual it may be because there is a nest close by. If you do find one, call a reputable pest control company.

If you suspect you may have a wasp nest then please contact the professionals for a effective treatment